February 13, 2019, Comment off

Career-Boosting Lessons You Can Learn From Being Fired

Although most employees view getting fired as a bad thing, you should see it as an opportunity. You are able to move on to a better role with a new company doing what you enjoy. Here are five lessons about how getting fired can positively impact your career.

Stay Positive

How you manage your reaction is completely in your control. Accept responsibility for your actions and avoid speaking adversely about your former employer. Also, focus on your job search and the possibilities that lie ahead. Continue taking action until you find the job that is right for you.

Welcome New Opportunities

Now is the time to make a fresh start. Think about whether you are truly passionate about working in your field or want to change to a new industry. Also, consider that your dream job may be located where you live, or in another state or country. Additionally, determine who in your network can help you get to where you want to be and what the best way is to connect with them. Decide which path you want to take and go for it.

Find the Proper Fit

You now know what to look for in your next employer to ensure you find the right fit. Ask interviewers more specific questions about issues that arose with your previous employer to see whether they may arise with your next employer. Perhaps the company was facing financial difficulty but kept it a secret, or you were let go due to performance issues you were not informed about. Use your experience to screen for the qualities and characteristics you are looking for in your next company. Watch for red flags or subtle clues based on the answers you receive and behaviors you observe.

Be Prepared

When interviewers ask about your last position, keep your answer short and objective. For instance, you may say there was a reduction in force, or your position was eliminated. Avoid going into detail or defending your circumstances. Mention you are glad to be able to find work that is better aligned with your skills and aspirations.

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