November 2, 2022, Comment off

What Is a Quiet Quitter, and How Can They Impact Your Business?

A quiet quitter does the bare minimum to get by. Although this concept is not new, the term is gaining traction.

Many employees stop putting in substantial effort to meet their job requirements because of burnout. They are prioritizing their personal lives over their jobs.

The mindset of quiet quitting is significantly impacting companies throughout the United States. As a result, managers must be more attentive to their employees’ needs. Better serving employees can increase motivation, engagement, and productivity.

Learn more about quiet quitters, how they can affect your company, and what you can do to help.

What Is the Motivation Behind Quiet Quitters?

Increasing layoffs and turnover require remaining employees to take on additional duties and responsibilities. However, these employees are not receiving increased compensation for the increased workloads.

Many employers expect the same productivity levels with the additional workloads. However, many employees do not feel appreciated for taking on the additional work.

Remote work may also make it easy for employees not to go above and beyond for their employers. These employees may feel less involved and less connected to their team.  

79% of employees report they would stop quiet quitting if given more recognition. Source: OC Tanner white paper, Performance Accelerated.

How Are Quiet Quitters Impacting Companies?

Quiet quitters are causing a significant decrease in employee engagement, productivity, and morale. In many cases, HR needs to help resolve the underlying issues.

Employees who give their all often have to take on more work to compensate for their underperforming teammates. These high performers often become frustrated with quiet quitters and look for jobs elsewhere.

In many cases, additional employees need to be hired to fill productivity gaps. This increases the amount of time and money needed for recruitment, onboarding, and training.  


What Can HR Do About Quiet Quitters?

The HR team must clearly document employee warnings about gaps in job performance. Detailing these shortcomings in manager expectations and employee performance shows the employee was talked to.   

Written warnings let employees know where their performance is at, what they need to improve, and what will happen if they do not. Establishing clear reasons and actionable steps for the employee to take to protect the company in case the employee is let go.

Need to Hire HR Professionals?

Quiet quitters are tired of taking on additional duties for no additional pay when their teammates leave. These employees react by doing the bare minimum to maintain their jobs. Because quiet quitters are disengaged, they are less productive than other employees.  

HR must give quiet quitters written warnings about improving their performance. This documentation includes the gaps between manager expectations and employee performance, steps for improvement, and consequences of not improving.

If you need to add HR professionals to your team, make Arlington Resources part of your process. Learn more today.
